Potential for Pain

Thumbnail of the map 'Potential for Pain'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author GamingWolf2000
Tags action author:gamingwolf2000 playable rated
Created 2006-07-26
Last Modified 2006-07-26
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Here's how it is. I'll make maps when I want... plain and simple. Fortunately I don't have to be a part of how a forum defines a community. Yet I get the feeling people might want my maps. I mean think of the maps I made that aren't yours! :P

I'm also surprised on how fast I made it. Probably because I got the idea and put it in before I lost it. Hooray for me!

Other maps by this author

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Ninja Hobbyist Ninja Hobnail Ninja Hobgoblins Ninja Hobson's choice Colorless Amethyst Send in the Drones


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You finally got a 4!


- Seriously though, nice map. Your first improvement. :D
I'm going to give a 4 which will be painful for me. And I'll make a demo soon enough.

4 Ninjas

Pretty good IMO. Here's just a neat demo to get that gold in the pit.
Demo Data


I left the forums but not NUMA but I didn't fell like making maps again until now.


Demo Data


what he said.


could you rephrase that?