
Thumbnail of the map 'Exalted'

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Author mrawlings1078
Tags author:mrawlings1078 dda rated v1.3c
Created 2005-01-29
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description My third, and best, DDA
This one has more action and less launchpads, infact it's almost perfect.
There's just one problem- N dies the first time you play it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Big Slide' Thumbnail of the map 'Mission Impossible' Thumbnail of the map 'Mission Impossible II' Thumbnail of the map 'Suicide' Thumbnail of the map 'Televised' Thumbnail of the map 'Tremble'
The Big Slide Mission Impossible Mission Impossible II Suicide Televised Tremble


Pages: (0)


You die at the start

I agree

I agree tktktk. This certainly is not worth more than 3. Whilst it does use some good concepts, there were not enough close calls. In the world of DDA's this is certainly not at the top. 2/5.

Insert decent title

M, you're pretty good with a map editor, and you have decent potential, but you don't use it right. This DDA was good, but no real close calls at all. The best was where you used the launchpad of immortality glitch. Also, you don't want to keep us waiting for more than two seconds for motion, you just want to keep the action coming. 3, cause I feel generous. G'day.


This is just what I mean when I say DDAs are generally overrated. To me, this is just below average, definitely not worth more than a 3. It's messy, and the ninja died several times for me. I gave it a two, and it STILL has an overall 3.5. That's just plain stupid.

It's a 2!

Just Kidding- 4


i rate my map a 2 and the next person rate it a 1 then a 0

Umm... Guys!

No offense to anyone, but this does NOT deserve a five or a generous four.
In my opinion, this is a good three.


Very good stuff, but too many mines in random places, and yeah, N dies, but that's not too bad. I'll say this is an extremely generous 4, excellent job.

A 5

-1 cuz he dies
+1 cuz of the close call with the thwump
