XiaoXiaoMan's Roller Coaster!

Thumbnail of the map 'XiaoXiaoMan's Roller Coaster!'

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Author XiaoXiaoMan
Tags author:xiaoxiaoman dda rated
Created 2006-07-23
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Welcome to XiaoXiaoMan's Roller Coaster. For your own saftey, please keep your hands, feet, and arms off the keyboard at all times. Also, please do not harass the zap drones, for they have a lethal electric touch. Thank you and enjoy the never-ending ride!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'So Many Choices, Yet So Few Choices' Thumbnail of the map 'The N Brothers' Thumbnail of the map 'Worlds' Thumbnail of the map 'Positively Negative' Thumbnail of the map 'Tower Loop & Meditation' Thumbnail of the map 'Invasion of the Zap Drones'
So Many Choices, Yet So Few Choices The N Brothers Worlds Positively Negative Tower Loop & Meditation Invasion of the Zap Drones


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not bad. its a sweet concept loop.

Too many lauchpads?

"Too" bad.


many launchpads.
if it gets boring, get out of it!

then make a

normal DDA. this gets kinda boring.
jeez! Just ignore nikoniko


and the launchpads... are horriblius

not good

That is only boring.


It's mesmerizing...
oh. some of the bumpers are never touched, the ones underground. otherwise, you should add some gold to make the trip longer. like stack 20 gold pieces over eachother on the whole ride, so you almost never run out of time.


You can use thwumps... just a thought.
How else will I make it never-ending?

Also, garunteed consistency! N should never die! but if he does after at least 15 minutes, let me know otherwise.