
Thumbnail of the map 'Nonlinear'

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Author Wannas1693
Tags author:wannas1693 rated test
Created 2006-07-21
Last Modified 2006-07-21
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description It's just another useless, enemy-free it's not. Just try it and see.

Start moving really quickly so that you get to the first switch as soon as possible. When four crosshairs come onscreen, remember that when they fire, they affect an X (only the ordinary shot thickness despite blacking out the screen briefly) centred on the crosshairs, and they pierce through tiles. Therefore keep moving, unless there is a suitable spot to try and synchronize them, preferably a flat, open space. This makes it a lot easier. Try to change direction whenever possible while still getting to your goal, and remember that it is possible to evade the shot while still in the same diagonal corridor as the X. Hopefully, someone much, much better than I at N can beat it, otherwise I\\\'ll shuffle the tiles around a bit. For the gauss concept, browse through here:

EDIT: Please don't rate it down because it seems unbeatable, it's not really finished yet and I can still make changes.
EDIT2: Credit to...great. Now I can't find the map. If it's your tileset comment and I'll give some credit. And now there's a demo of the first 4 switches.
EDIT3: Finally found it! Thanks to Qix with the tileset

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'My first map--Channels' Thumbnail of the map 'Backjump this!' Thumbnail of the map 'Ruined castle' Thumbnail of the map 'Tile glitch' Thumbnail of the map 'Weird doors'
My first map--Channels Backjump this! Ruined castle Tile glitch Weird doors


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I don't know....

I think it's more of a concept for people to use, such as using the blackout to disrupt your timing in drone/thwump maps. I tried doing that but I couldn't get it working.


when the gauss shoot, it seems as if part of the map temp. blacks out!!


i'd call it a race if i were you.


can you criticize please?


that was pretty bad.


sniped already...and I was only away for about half an hour...
Demo Data