Ornamat Tileset (Edited)

Thumbnail of the map 'Ornamat Tileset (Edited)'

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Author lamezorlad
Tags author:lamezorlad incomplete rated
Created 2006-07-15
Last Modified 2006-07-15
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description I viewed at AMomentLikeThis's Ornament Tileset, and loved it, it had lots of potential to make a good map. But I really disliked the negative space. So I edited it, and came with this.

If you don't want me to do this, AMLT, then I'll delete it.

The original Map is here:

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Facts' Thumbnail of the map 'Structured' Thumbnail of the map 'Burned to the Bone' Thumbnail of the map 'Smash it' Thumbnail of the map 'Scattered Atoms of a Broken Mind' Thumbnail of the map 'Your Web Didn't Catch THIS Ninja! (But it did catch Hard-Worked On Maps.)'
Facts Structured Burned to the Bone Smash it Scattered Atoms of a Broken Mind Your Web Didn't Catch THIS Ninja! (But it did catch Hard-Worked On Maps.)


Pages: (0)

Oh wow

Thanks for using =]

heres ur ded ... this ones all to yourself :)

Very nice

looks fantastic.



its pretty cool 4.5/5