Once Upon a Pipe

Thumbnail of the map 'Once Upon a Pipe'

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Author Rubiks
Tags author:rubiks playable race unrated
Created 2006-07-13
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description First Pipe Race...enjoy. Constructive criticism appreciated.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tropical' Thumbnail of the map 'The Point of No Return' Thumbnail of the map 'Fruit of the Vine?' Thumbnail of the map 'Late Nights' Thumbnail of the map 'Arachnadroid' Thumbnail of the map 'Pick - Pocket'
Tropical The Point of No Return Fruit of the Vine? Late Nights Arachnadroid Pick - Pocket


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here's my demo.

my thoughts on Jiggerjaw's comments:
1) No way! You're too slow there!
2) If you're fast then it doesn't kill you!
3) My computer is fast, so it doesn't lag!
4) I agree a bit, but they prevent you from hitting the enemies.
5) yah, I also agree with that.

Anyway, the level is a good idea, but don't make it too long.

Try checking out Uncommonturnip's pipe levels. They are more refreshing, less stressful.... erm.... nevermind.

This should get a.... um.... 3/5!
1 for the good layout,
1 for the good planning,
3 for the amazing design,
-2 for the gold delay!
Demo Data


That was kewl level but it was hella long...


long! Dont ever use gold delay on a Race!
I agree with deathcloud33.

Not too bad.

1)no they didn't
2)You must have been too slow or something
3)your computer must suck.
4)meh, I kinda agree. keeps you from accidentally hitting stuff if you go way too fast though.
5)agree with yolu there.
Demo Data


1) The thwumps at the top kill you
2) The rocket kills you
3) Too much lag due to too many objects
4) Uneffective/unneeded use of gold delay
5) These are simply too long and boring, and often, not very fun.