Surfing U.S.A

Thumbnail of the map 'Surfing U.S.A'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author MaximumRide
Tags author:maximumride playable race rated
Created 2006-07-12
Last Modified 2006-07-12
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description A fun fast, flowy race map made from Brttrx tileset, Flow. The tileset is found here. . Thank you for this tileset it is one of the best I have seen so far. This is my personal favorite map that out of the ones I have made.

Rate, Comment and enjoy!

Other maps by this author

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A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama When the light goes down in the city...


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but I only have one vote on the original.


I liked deja's map better...but they very similar so it was good...well here's a demo
Demo Data

Really good

This map has great flow! 4.5/5
Demo Data


the floorguard really doesnt add much so i guess itd be ok to just get rid of it... but its ur decision

should I...

keep it like this or delete the floorguard, what do u think is better?


i guess it works now...
Demo Data

i fixed...

the floorguard at the end. tell me how it is now. is it good this way or should i delete the floorguard all together?


i agree with livens... that floorguard at the end is tough.

oh and thanx im glad u like my map... but urs isnt bad either... especially for a "beginner" lol keep at it
Demo Data

@ dejablue4

i edited the laser so he isnt there anymore. you were right it is a lot more fun and keeps more flow and speed without having to slow down for it.

@ Livens

do u want me to edit the floor guard so that it isnt there. i know what u mean i just figured that out. comment telling me your answer.

Works nice

I didn't really like the end though... Having to stop at the right time, if you run straight through u die.
Demo Data


...edited the link so it works now :-)

my opinion?

i think itd be more fun without the laser... but overall i liked this 4/5

oh and i also made a map using this same tileset... i think you'll like it... come by to comment and rate if u have time.. thanx
Demo Data
Don't know if the map is good I just wanted to check it out but I can't let this page without a working link to a tileset someone made in hours of work...nah, maybe not hours but I also make tilesets so please credit right ! ;-)

Here is it: