N Skill I (1.1)

Thumbnail of the map 'N Skill I (1.1)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author DeathByDood
Tags author:deathbydood challenge playable unrated
Created 2006-07-10
Last Modified 2009-03-04
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The long-anticipated update to the original. (Hey, I was waiting for it!) I decreased the object count a lot and made the laser drone able to shoot at you in a few more sections. As always, I am waiting to see someone beat this. So post your demo data.

EDIT: Damnit... I thought I reset the objects before I submitted... Well, fixed now.

Version 1.1 --
Version 1.0 --

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Nutshell Remix (1.0)' Thumbnail of the map 'Silo Lockdown (1.0)' Thumbnail of the map 'The Long Way Home (1.0)' Thumbnail of the map 'Slipstream Redux (1.0)' Thumbnail of the map 'Slipstream Redux (1.1)' Thumbnail of the map 'The Long Way Home (1.1)'
Nutshell Remix (1.0) Silo Lockdown (1.0) The Long Way Home (1.0) Slipstream Redux (1.0) Slipstream Redux (1.1) The Long Way Home (1.1)


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I hate em, but

if you learn to just ignore em, they snipe your maps less. And if you ever get a top rated map, dont expect it to be there long. Its like a sitting duck.


Yea, I am new to NUMA. Been mapping for N for a little bit now, but just decided to try out NUMA a day ago. I like it, but of course there will be dicks like "Snipers" on any community. Oh, well... Thanks for the insight, Brttrx!


They're just a part of Numa we have to live with.


That's a hard level but I love it! 5/5


Just a few seconds after I posted this thing, I get a 0 from someone. Perhaps someone has a grudge against me or something? Same thing happened with the other one, The Long Way Home (1.1)... Whoever is doing that is a dick, and needs to stop.