Wait up, I can't tell where you're going!

Thumbnail of the map 'Wait up, I can't tell where you're going!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author deathcloud33
Tags author:deathcloud33 rated test
Created 2006-07-04
Last Modified 2006-07-04
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description This is a little test/art level I made seeing how much I could do messing with the alternate drones.

PS, sorry for the lag.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Brittle platorms' Thumbnail of the map 'Spiralled' Thumbnail of the map 'Bubble bath' Thumbnail of the map 'One way escelator' Thumbnail of the map 'Slow as mollasis' Thumbnail of the map 'Firebirds'
Brittle platorms Spiralled Bubble bath One way escelator Slow as mollasis Firebirds


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Good idea, now just put that into a playable lvl or N art! :)

I meant

That they lag so they desynchronise.


now that's cool! I love how they get some phasing going on. I bet if you watched it long enough they would end up back together again.

and there isn't any lag on my computer...

Looks good..

good idea too...4/5