
Thumbnail of the map 'Mini.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Brttrx
Tags author:brttrx incomplete rated
Created 2006-07-01
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Resubmitted due to people using it.
And will probably be resibmitted again due to noxus.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Love and Memories' Thumbnail of the map 'Cramped.' Thumbnail of the map '84, v2' Thumbnail of the map 'Hey, want some peanuts?' Thumbnail of the map 'The Rockets Love You (Royal Series)' Thumbnail of the map 'Standing in line, Wrapped around the World.'
Love and Memories Cramped. 84, v2 Hey, want some peanuts? The Rockets Love You (Royal Series) Standing in line, Wrapped around the World.


Pages: (0)

5th top rated =)

Only in incomplete category though.

agree with zy

very nice 4.5/5


You hate thieves and stuff? =/ Ah well, nice tileset man. Love your maps.