What's a good name?

Thumbnail of the map 'What's a good name?'

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Author 77ball
Tags author:77ball test unrated
Created 2006-06-29
Last Modified 2006-06-29
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is a hold right dda, but once you reach the door in the bottom right corner, hold left( go into freme by frame mode, and when the door opens, hold left.
I was just kinda playing around and discovered that with the way I have him start out, even though he doesn't use the springs, they still make a difference.This map kinda sucks though.

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The rockets! Lol, they make random blood! LMFAO!

Not too bad actually, just irritating that you have to change in the middle, kinda ruins it... 3.5/5

It doesn't suck.

In the end, the rockets are put to good use