Amoose_12's DDA part 1

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Author Amoose_12
Tags author:amoose_12 dda unrated
Created 2006-06-29
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My first map. My friend PNI and I made this together. Plz don't rate this too harshly, because this is my first map. Pretty please????


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See what I said about your second one. Also, half the launchpads don't need to be there. Next, you don't need enemies. They don't add anything but lag. The real lesson is: watch some good ddas before making your own. Just "Top Rated", "DDA", and watch those on the front page. 1/5


quite a bit repetitive... actually very repetitive... but since its ur first map i wont be too harsh... 2.5/5