Angel Trandotshan

Thumbnail of the map 'Angel Trandotshan'

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Author DGK
Tags author:dgk incomplete unrated
Created 2006-06-28
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Same rules as my other tilesets....Credit goes to DGK, you can use it for your maps, etc. RATINGS ACCEPTED!!!! RATE HIGH!!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cage Match 4: Aftermath' Thumbnail of the map 'Path to the Gray World v1.43' Thumbnail of the map 'Pathegralion' Thumbnail of the map 'Alckatedron' Thumbnail of the map 'Clone Compartment' Thumbnail of the map 'Pixel Town'
Cage Match 4: Aftermath Path to the Gray World v1.43 Pathegralion Alckatedron Clone Compartment Pixel Town


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cool looking

it looks freaky


don't snipe...