Lava Reef Zone

Thumbnail of the map 'Lava Reef Zone'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author FI_(FrostyInferno)
Tags author:fi_(frostyinferno) playable race rated
Created 2006-06-23
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Hello Everyone. If any of you remember me, I am glad. I created a few good DDA's like Freezer Burn and Doomsday: The many Faces of Armageddon. I did enjoy making levels for fans of N, but nefarious idiots plagueing the archive drove me away. Specifically, I am talking about Doghouse...

It came to be that either Doghouse would mess up my ratings, or that horrid maps (not accidentally horrid, intentionally horrid) made by doghouse and his friends were praised, despite either being levels where you couldn't move, N would die in an uninteresting fashion. Unlike ones where n would be in a lightbulb, or my strange Race of the limbs DDA, where N died and made it to the exit in pieces, N would just be pummeled by spammed thwumps.

However, i realized there were a few people, who enjoyed my maps. And i betrayed them by quiting. So in reality, i don't care if people will destroy my rating simply because they are rude. That doesn't matter. I just want people to enjoy my work.

So, anyways, you may remember some of my other sonic related maps... This one isn't really so heavily S&K related, it just reminded me of that level. You have to understand, i grew up playing Sonic and Knuckles, so their songs and influences are permenantly etched in my brain. If you want, you can go to and hunt down some Lava Reef Zone tracks. They have lots of good ones. (My favorite ones are made by Kenji) Anyways, enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Centipede' Thumbnail of the map 'Simply Evil' Thumbnail of the map 'Symbolism' Thumbnail of the map 'Windrider' Thumbnail of the map 'Atlantis' Thumbnail of the map 'Dual Helix'
Centipede Simply Evil Symbolism Windrider Atlantis Dual Helix


Pages: (0)

I liked that. :)

maybe the flow could be improved at some places...
4/5 to me.

The newest page

is going to be flooded by so many bad maps.

I Found

the FLOW :)

Demo Data

Yes, the flow

for some reason, i could never nail it.
perhaps i should start work on another DDA.


tilest, but i had trouble with the flow.

Oh and btw, the plague of crappy noob levels hasn't ended, only temporarily subsided (back in 5 minutes).

3.5/5 for you map
From the look of the Newest Page, the plague of intentional crap has ended.