
Thumbnail of the map 'Simplicity'

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Author Talisman
Tags action author:talisman playable rated v1.3c
Created 2005-01-04
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Simplicity can be the best solution to creating a map. This is my first EVER map, so go easy on me. Any comments are cool, and only the truly great can get the gold under the mine.


Pages: (0)

Hey Talisman...

Not bad for a first map, but there was no reason for the doors at the beginning, and as Lucidium mentioned, the excessive rockets and gausses. And if you like simplicity, be sure to check out my Simple Challenge series.
but it's an all gold... 3rd try... simple in N usually means less stuff as far as clusters of enemies... I would call this messy
Demo Data

All gold speed run

Demo Data

One thing,

There's no need for that many rocket/gauss turrets.
Other than that, I really liked the map. Keep it up.