Burton's Cliff

Thumbnail of the map 'Burton's Cliff'

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Author Cadmus
Tags action author:cadmus bitesized playable rated
Created 2006-06-16
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description A cool chaingun map. Pretty tough, but nothing extremely hard.



Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Wise' Thumbnail of the map 'CSS-00-0: Take-off' Thumbnail of the map 'CSS-00-1: Son of an itch' Thumbnail of the map 'Ingneous Hock' Thumbnail of the map 'Dueces Domes' Thumbnail of the map 'Throw the Dog a Bone'
The Wise CSS-00-0: Take-off CSS-00-1: Son of an itch Ingneous Hock Dueces Domes Throw the Dog a Bone


Pages: (0)

Twas ok

Although I'm not much for having gold touching, although that is a personal preference, also, the mine tunnel seemed rather out of place, and wasn't all that difficult anyway, seemed a tad pointless. 4/5
Demo Data


fun, but a little short, and I didn't like the gold placement.

was alright

nothing too breathtaking
Demo Data

last vote...

no prob. why not? 5/5 for $hits and giggles.