
Thumbnail of the map 'Tie'

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Author RAWoR
Tags action author:rawor playable unrated
Created 2006-06-16
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description second level...
plz rate and comment
i want to know how o get better.
i like this level, not sure about anybody else...
oh well

Other maps by this author

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Death Penalty


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>:( where are you!? u have not rated a SINGLE ONE o' my maps!!! arrgh!!! no, just j/k, but try and check some of them out okay? :P okay.

long and easy...

use less doors and make your lvls more exciting
other then that it was good, tileset is kinda plain and boring looking, but it works ok...

just work on length, enemies, and your tiles(hardest of all for most ppl) and then youll have some really fun and enjoyable lvls