
Thumbnail of the map 'Nukulur'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author gggorillaz
Tags action author:gggorillaz playable rated
Created 2006-06-14
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description If you don't like the map, rate the tileset. It was pretty hard to make. But i think the map is good.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Teleporter' Thumbnail of the map 'teleporting dda' Thumbnail of the map 'Minesweeper' Thumbnail of the map 'Bi0h@zrd' Thumbnail of the map 'Do-It-Yourself' Thumbnail of the map 'Mazealicious (Bonus!)'
The Teleporter teleporting dda Minesweeper Bi0h@zrd Do-It-Yourself Mazealicious (Bonus!)


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hey mosh

yeah, i know. its the biohazard sign, but i already have a level called biohazard, so i just said nuclear...ish. lol. and nice job dom1nation. i didnt think of doing it that fast. i went around gettin all the trap doors. it centers you better in the teleporter, but apparently thats not necessary. :)


sik biohazard sign, i wish the level was as symetrical as the tileset though...


Demo Data
But that is a semi-nice tileset. The Biohazard sign could have been cleaner, but it isn't bad.
Also - that isnt the "Nuclear" Symbol, lol.

Tileset - 3/5
So I'm rating it 3/5. Not bad, mate.