Door Eerie Number Fast Number Two

Thumbnail of the map 'Door Eerie Number Fast Number Two'

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Author The_Dirty_carl
Tags author:the_dirty_carl door-eerie doors-eerie playable race unrated
Created 2006-06-12
Last Modified 2007-07-06
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My last map, , got sniped, so I'm making another. I tried some new stuff in this one, so tell me what you (dont) like.

Dont rate down just because its a Door Eerie.
I also used LouDog004's "Room of Eternal Celebration Poses" from

Other maps by this author

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as it is a fast door eerie. Im sure it can be done better, in fact the one that I got the idea from was much better, I'm no pro

In my opinion

Dooreries and race maps dont mix. Door eries look ugly when mixed with tiles. Races need lots of tiles to flow well. All you are getting is the worst of both worlds here...
ive made at least 3 in the past month...
1 test and 2 good ones...

this is good, i like the incorperation of tiles, although i think it could be done much better...


Great.. now I dont exist..thanks for that..
But I erased your name completely. :P
Demo Data
I havent even seen a Door Eerie in a month. I dont like DDAs, but I dont freak out about it, or rate them down. Did you even read the description?
"dont rate down just because its a Door Eerie"
Freakin A


I r a cheetar.
The smiley was funny though.
Demo Data


There are actually two. Ones upside down. Can yall see my initials?

Theres a Smiley

Hiding outside the map.