Mycetic Madness

Thumbnail of the map 'Mycetic Madness'

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Tags author:palemoon incomplete unrated
Created 2006-06-11
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Dedicated to Tyranids. I love those guys.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ant tube' Thumbnail of the map 'Ulasht.' Thumbnail of the map 'neural net' Thumbnail of the map 'philosomatika' Thumbnail of the map 'force the legion' Thumbnail of the map 'seek the twilight'
ant tube Ulasht. neural net philosomatika force the legion seek the twilight


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assault terminators,

thats funny,

because i distincly remember mowing down fifty marines with one.

w/e though.


this j00 knows!!!

they have stun, squiggoth never hits worth a damn


j00 wish

no way!

a group of assault terminators own a squiggoth!!!
they win the award for 'most space marine asses kicked in 5 minutes'


yea, wh40k is cool, but the endless painting was too boring for me...

so i was happy when Relic came out with Dawn of War, that game kicks ass...those death animations are funny as hell
happy for 2 reasons...
1)wh40k is just plain cool
2) when it comes to rts, relic does no wrong

...i feel like playing it now...


know topolord plays tau also...

great tileset

i play Tau 1300 points best guys eva.
4.5 because its just a sweet tileset

nice vv33!

good to se a WH4k fan :)

i also have about 1200 of necrons. theyre really fun to play, but boring to paint. ( Hey look! 1200 points of skeletons!)


i play nids- and marines
i got about 2000 points a building of nids
and 1500 of marines and building

good 40K forum is:

just a heads up! (i'm F4113N on those boards)
