
Thumbnail of the map 'Sufi'

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Author gggorillaz
Tags author:gggorillaz dda rated
Created 2006-06-10
Last Modified 2006-06-12
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description This map is great fun to watch...kinda. It's pretty cool for my first DDA. And the start is odd because you dont get all the gold. that was my original starting point, but i had to change it. comments?


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..why are you trying to kick our asses? What have you got to prove? Compensating for the past can not replace it. If you take a life, but give what you think if "compensation", you dont bring that person back. Consider the consequence of your actions before you make them, and you and the rest of this site will get along fine.
As for holding grudges, of course I do. I am a very karmatic person, and I believe what goes around comes around - the basis of Karma. I am not seeking revenge or retribution for my sniped maps, but rather, I'd like you to give your honest opinion of my maps. I'm not commenting on your maps unless its positive (I consider this a peaceful notice), and I can only hope you will do the same, if not, give me your truthful, unbiased opinion on my maps.

As for your tileset, gangsta, check your map comments. ^___^!

HE HOLDS GRUDGES AND CANT GET OVER STUFF, EVEN IF YOU APOLOGIZE AND COMPENSATE FOR ANYTHING YOU DID TO WRONG HIM! I REALIZE THAT PEOPLE WILL HAVE NEGATIVE OPINIONS OF MAPS, BUT YOU SHOULD EXPLAIN YOURSELF IF YOU DO! d@mn, guys! gimme a break here! joe_kapow, you just took other peoples comments and ratings and put them together to pretend you thought of it yourself! what, are you just trying to kiss as much @$$ as you can? jesus!


also taking in consideration that you are new to DDA's. And I agree with moshpit, anything you enter on this site is subject to our criticism and not bound within subjugation to your laws.

wait, i

forgot the hyperlink:

it's pretty good

for your first DDA, but why did you put the gold there? you cant even get it. and i think there are WAY too many launch pads. 2.5/5. by the way mosh, you ever gonna make a DDA outa my tileset?


Pretty good for a DDA or good for a First DDA?
I thinks its a moderate first DDA - though it shows no signs of studied skill into DDA Mapmaking..


This is his first DDA and I think it's pretty darn good!


By putting your map here, you subject it to our opinions. And thank you so much for SNIPING MY MAP.. Man.. Grow up - I offered constructive critisism, and you go and snipe my map. As for attacking me in the description, I honestly think you should stop the childish namecalling. To be honest, this map is horrible. Its not up to par with any grade of maps, except for the obvious realm of noob maps of which this is confined to. If you dont like the comment system, leave. You have no right to take your aggressions out on me just because I gave my honest opinion.


jesus christ

i didnt ask for anyones opinion on this so stfu if u dont have a good comment for it. and also this is my first one so dont even comment it if u dont like it.


Delete the old version.
And also might I ask why you didnt improve it any..? This is the Anti-DDA..
And stop the Caps..