
Thumbnail of the map 'Frogger'

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Author nemetacyst
Tags author:nemetacyst bitesized incomplete rated
Created 2006-06-04
by 24 people.
Map Data

Description I will make something for this later, i dont ahve time right now...i cant stop you from using it, but just remember that i will use it, and i have plans already for i ask you, plz comment, rate, or whatever, but plz dont use it...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Seaweed' Thumbnail of the map 'Coral Polyp' Thumbnail of the map 'All Along the Watchtower' Thumbnail of the map 'Doors Gone Wild' Thumbnail of the map 'Wild Doors 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Fire and Ice   step 4'
Seaweed Coral Polyp All Along the Watchtower Doors Gone Wild Wild Doors 2 Fire and Ice step 4


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i made an example tileset for you to get an idea of what i ment...


the level is going to be played...almost everywhere...
weak teleporters that only send the ninja through small walls, and that will allow me to use more variety in the gameplay...

variety is good...i personally hate repetition and duplication of movements...probly more then most people...


well...symetry makes for a repetitive map...and should only be used for an easier level in which ppl dont mind redoing everything...there are exceptions, but that is generally true...

rough surfaces are sounds stupid, but its true...dont just keep an entire wall perfectly smooth unless there is a reason...smoothness also makes for some repetition, but above all, it makes for a boring looking level...and repetition makes a level boring(exceptions, of course)

for example, say you have a wall of 2's and 6's...well...disrupt the slope with a 7(or 3) or a will make the slope more interesting, and give you the chacne to use the unevenness to use some creativity when placing objects...

keep in mind, what i just said is in no way concrete...people can make awesome symetrical and smooth levels...but the variety and eratic look of an uneven tileset can add quite a bit to both the look of a level and change how it plays...leaving more room for you to experiment and make a variety of situations on the same level, even thought there may only be one kind of enemy...

just remember, there are tons of exceptions...but i find these general things help...


wheres the map gonna be played? inside, on top or underneath?
i just recently(past couple months) figured out how to make a proper tileset, one that is both useful and attractive looking...i'm still experimenting a little with it...

Care to share any tips? My tilesets are generally crap. 5/5

good point

but i dont plan to dissapoint...
as good as this you have to be careful. If you were going to turn this into an action map later, you shouldn't submit the tileset to numa. because, if it gets top rated then they will expect something spectacular for the action map. Instead, save it in a word document and when it comes out together it feels more complete. Just a little advice. 5/5


this one is cool ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤


ur right why doesnt it show up


lol ¡¿¤¥˜šӪ are you speaking of these types of symbols


it didnt show up...
the hex code shows up instead of the symbol...
i have the exact same account name for absolutely everything...and only 3 different passwords...all important ones rather complex...
i personally like ϛ as a


got a new one its BAS3


you know what i will make a new one
i dont like this long ass name anyways and i amke copy of my password info i just found my text document so i will make a new account i'll get back to u wen i think of a name help me wat name should i use


i just realized what the eye looks like...

a sliced Lime!!!! LOL!!!!

lol seems like every one of my levels has its 10 minutes of glory as the top rated level in numa, and then gets shot to hell...

im not saying my levels deserve to be the top, but i think its kinda ammusing that the pattern is so easy to see


ya know where you made your account,in the configure menue of N???
if you entered an e-mail there, you can recover your password...or i'd just ask some high level admin person on the forums if they can help you with it...


do you think should i do it


else's house.

and i forgot

this accounts password so i might make another one because i can't check out my maps at any one else's maps


you finish people will rate it down watch i bet man it wont be on the top rated people will be like i liked it better incomplete but not me i rate it good because it is good not crap

and i just realized

my past 3 incompletes have been the top rated level in numa...

should i just not finish anything anymore???
cuz it seems like it just gets more screwed up when i


i just recently(past couple months) figured out how to make a proper tileset, one that is both useful and attractive looking...i'm still experimenting a little with it...
so i guess you have a point...


very realistic man nice i wanted to use but since all my maps are ussually CRAP. i won't. nice man B+ and not an A because its not done lol
I just think your maps are getting better. They've always been pretty good sence Ive been here.

Another way of putting it:


you mean you didnt like them at one point?

or ahve you jsut noticed me?
ive been around for a while...

regardless, thanks


love it ...(frogs) *ribbit*

Thats sweet dude.

Im startin to like your maps man.