Oh yes, He knows the secrets

Thumbnail of the map 'Oh yes, He knows the secrets'

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Author bluenin
Tags action author:bluenin playable rated
Created 2006-06-02
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I'm trying to make a level thats actually beatable yet still challenging. Did I get it right?

Other maps by this author

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dont worry about the pplz that bitch about hidden threats. they just dont like being kept alert. I think hidden threats are a great way to test the skill of any ninja and you used them amazingly well. actually i will rate 5/5 for the n-art and 4/5 for flow and 5/5 for the gameplay and idea. so that averages to a 4.whatever out of 5....hell ill round up
I like the eyes, heh

Here's a demo of my cautious hoping-I-don't-get-catapulted-into-a-hidden-mine attempt
Demo Data


Yep, you got it right, though at the time I posted this message I haven't beaten it yet

And hidden deaths seem bad, but that's probably because they kill you :-P


never. EVER. use hidden traps. NEVER. no rating.


the title say it all?

My Review:

Next time warn about hidden death threats.
It pisses some people off.

Not too challenging, but very fun.
I like your style, keep makin' em.


XD at eyes

Nice job, although hidden threats get annoying, but you used them kinda well.