
Thumbnail of the map 'prophecy'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Tags author:mr_destroy playable race rated
Created 2006-05-25
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description be fast, but not too fast...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Trap map' Thumbnail of the map 'die, motherf*cker, die!' Thumbnail of the map 'stem' Thumbnail of the map 'Children of Bodom hatecrew' Thumbnail of the map 'New York, New York' Thumbnail of the map 'the long way'
Trap map die, motherf*cker, die! stem Children of Bodom hatecrew New York, New York the long way


Pages: (0)


Cool map. pretty hard. 5/5
Demo Data

Pretty good

I feel generous today, a normal day I maybe wouldn´t have liked this level. It was, however, fun. 4/5


not very well made. no rating because I don't want to be cruel. Your recent maps are much better, thank god.


Demo Data

Fun, but...

IT was fun, but, (if I may) I'd like to make an observation or two. A couple times when there were a ton of buttons in the same spot You'd have to run backwards to get the ones on bottom, which isn't really fun in a race level. Also there was on cross where you didn't put trapdoors for the second time you came through it. I know, I'm OCD, and you may well have done it on purpose, but it just seemed inconsistent. I did like the way you did the crosses though. It was fun.

Demo Data