Jagg'd Freehand

Thumbnail of the map 'Jagg'd Freehand'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author XiaoXiaoMan
Tags author:xiaoxiaoman n-art rated
Created 2006-05-21
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Welcome to the abstract art level of Jagg'd Freehand! Try it out! It's pretty crazy! Its sort of playable art. lol.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Gauss Turret Madness' Thumbnail of the map 'Zap Drones N’ Gauss Turrets' Thumbnail of the map '5 Chambers' Thumbnail of the map 'Spiral Death Chamber' Thumbnail of the map 'Nightmare on the Plateau' Thumbnail of the map 'Nightmare on Mt. Killer'
Gauss Turret Madness Zap Drones N’ Gauss Turrets 5 Chambers Spiral Death Chamber Nightmare on the Plateau Nightmare on Mt. Killer


Pages: (0)


thanks, man. ill be sure to check out ur maps!


Captivating! Fascinating! Interesting! Piquing! Titillating! Vamping! Four out of Five! Appealing! Wow... randomly descriptive outbursts ARE fun! lol
Demo Data


Crazy! Wild! Weird! Wacko! Awesome! EZ! Try! ...It! Woo! ...aright, im done. lol