Short and Sweet

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Author genesee
Tags author:genesee dda unrated
Created 2006-05-15
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
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Description Only my first DDA, so suggestions are appreciated.
I tried not to use so many launchpads or so much gold delay, but only succeeded with the launchpad aspect. Comment/Rate plz.

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can get rid of the gold on top or left by taking ure code putting it in note pad and searching for "NaN"

just get rid of that gold piece in the code and it should disappear


1. Gold delay is the worst thing used to make close calls.
2. Gold Delay is needed sometimes if you want to go through something or wait on top of it, but it is best not to use too much gold delay.
3. There seem to be pieces of gold floating above the screen and that happened to me once. Seems to be a glitch.

Anyway, since this is your first DDA, i will make an exception and give you a 4/5