
Thumbnail of the map 'Hades'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author resident-evale
Tags author:resident-evale playable race rated
Created 2006-05-12
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Phew, Dante's Inferno is finally finished.
Well kinda, I'm still going to update, but the main part
I had wanted to complete is done.
This is kinda fast paced, and has tight packed action.
Try for speed, and etc.
Have fun.

Comment. Rate. Play.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Honeycomb Swarm' Thumbnail of the map 'Wartorn 1.5' Thumbnail of the map 'Prehistorik ~ Old Glories' Thumbnail of the map 'TaJ For-alls ; Golden  The Temple - Old Glories' Thumbnail of the map '~Formica Tribute~' Thumbnail of the map 'Circle Square Evolution'
Honeycomb Swarm Wartorn 1.5 Prehistorik ~ Old Glories TaJ For-alls ; Golden The Temple - Old Glories ~Formica Tribute~ Circle Square Evolution


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I dont know what snowblind is talking about, this map is awesome! It is hard enough so that it is not a DDA like some races I've seen, but not insanely hard. I enjoyed this map.
Demo Data

no rating

hate mini races. like then they are flooooowy or looooopy
Have fun.
And good luck.
Oh. And post your wicked demos too :P
Demo Data
Have fun.
And good luck.
Oh. And post your wicked demos too :P
Demo Data