there and back again (mine version)

Thumbnail of the map 'there and back again (mine version)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author iamnoah262
Tags action author:iamnoah262 playable unrated
Created 2006-05-10
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map is VERY HARD i think lol i dunno i've beaten it in parts not the whole thing at one time so i'm sure its possible but if you find any bugs or anything just post and i'll try to fix them. Please rate and leave comments.

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number 2

I am allmost done with number two, its not realy a "There And Back Again" its just there, but its kinda the same concept where the begining is mines but yeah so please check it out.

not realy

i didnt realy get the name from the hobbit i just nammed it then relised that but yeah will you all please vote???

just a guess

did you get the idea for the title of this level from
The Hobbit?

i like the concept

i think it could use a little touching up, the mines make it hard but a tedious bad kind of hard. addictive, "i almost got it" hard is much more fun.


Demo Data

furthest so far...

nice hard map.
Demo Data