there's no way

Thumbnail of the map 'there's no way'

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Author sthom
Tags author:sthom rated test
Created 2006-05-09
Last Modified 2006-05-09
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description this is a new map that i\'m sure is impossible i\'ve tried so many ways try it for yourself.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'impossible' Thumbnail of the map 'the killer'
impossible the killer


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All you are doing with almost every single level you make is take good tilesets from good levels, edit them A VERY LITTLE, and add almost random enmys and items. That is NOT what a level is. Bad level.


if u r gonna take lvls from the game, at least make good lvls out of them
level straight out of numa

i got

the button then i stoped moveing.. my keybored messed up befor i could win..

almost huh

how close were you


dang it so close!!!!!!!
Demo Data

grrrrrrrrrrrrr... that one gun drode is annoying i would of made it without him..

im going to beat it!


won't anyone try my level i just beat it


try to beat my level i'll give you bucks and i don't swear he just really made me angry

if i beat this will every one stop yelling and curseing?


to test skill is the point of making a _fun_ level. this level is bad, and extremely easy to make *no rating*
P.S. Don't curse

wtf is the point of

making an impossible rating