
Thumbnail of the map 'shok.'

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Author shokwave
Tags action author:shokwave playable unrated
Created 2006-05-07
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this is almost a puzzle. . . but then again, its more action.

its a prisoner map thats also an entry into MCP3000's self-signature contest, found here:

i hopes im not too late.

i thought having to visit each cell in letter order was a nice touch, and the pun on getting electrocuted on a map called shok was far too good (bad?) to pass up.

seriously, enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'bounce pads of doom' Thumbnail of the map 'thrice damned pun' Thumbnail of the map 'simple challenge #16' Thumbnail of the map 'I Am A Scientist' Thumbnail of the map 'Smoke It' Thumbnail of the map 'Get Off'
bounce pads of doom thrice damned pun simple challenge #16 I Am A Scientist Smoke It Get Off


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So hot

can you upload a demo ?
couldn't complete the chalenge, I'd like to see it work !
