Fission Chamber

Thumbnail of the map 'Fission Chamber'

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Author asterisk
Tags author:asterisk playable puzzle rated v1.3c
Created 2004-12-02
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description You drop in and blow yourself to smithereens.

Works best with a fast processor and a bunch of memory.

No, there is no point.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Finale'


Pages: (0)

the point is that it's funny!

That was awesome.

most of my N pieces got blown out of the chamber before half the mines blew up, but that was pretty damn cool.


DDA stands for Don't Do Anything


I love cool death levels, and it seems I am the only one that appreciates the amount of time it must have taken you to build this. Nice!
I'm not really interested in making levels that are hard, or difficult, or puzzly, or logical challenges. I like exploring concepts that I think could be interesting. So far, the maps I've made don't really belong in any of the category options. I wish there was a miscellaneous, but there isn't...

Do you have a suggestion for a better category for this map to be in?

P.S. What does DDA stand for?

Not worth it

It takes WAY too long to load and is not worth the wait. Sorry, try again.


There have been lots of levels like this, and it's not a puzzle.