Emerald City Under Siege

Thumbnail of the map 'Emerald City Under Siege'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author CaptZeroth
Tags author:captzeroth incomplete rated tileset
Created 2006-04-28
Last Modified 2008-01-25
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Yet another tileset by me. Use it if you wish,
but standard tileset rules apply
(cite and credit me, do only minimal changes
to tileset). Thanks.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Brains!' Thumbnail of the map 'Mechanical Cloud' Thumbnail of the map 'Barbed' Thumbnail of the map 'Restricted' Thumbnail of the map 'Digital Defence III' Thumbnail of the map 'Temp Storage'
Brains! Mechanical Cloud Barbed Restricted Digital Defence III Temp Storage


Pages: (0)

You should check out some of the tilesets nowadays they have really taken off from what they were back when you were here.



Its from

The Wizard of Oz. By the way, thanks for the ratings!

is this

from the neverending story?

As Cheese said,

really nice tiles man! 4.5/5

Great set

Definately good for my 1700th vote. 5/5