
Thumbnail of the map 'mmmm........'

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Tags author:primitive_intelligence n-art unrated
Created 2006-04-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Well this is the crappyiest school logo i have ever belonged to and this is wht i think of it. If you are some one who feels like getting me in trouble for this: this is simply an expression of my free will.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'batlle of Hoth' Thumbnail of the map 'another star wars based map' Thumbnail of the map 'Death Star Trench Run' Thumbnail of the map 'INVERTABRATE v2' Thumbnail of the map 'Return of The Jedi' Thumbnail of the map 'Suspended animation'
batlle of Hoth another star wars based map Death Star Trench Run INVERTABRATE v2 Return of The Jedi Suspended animation


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I added the fire

and the tileset part is supposed to be an eagle head.
Suprisingly this looks alot like the real logo.
Thats is why it is retarded
thats is why it is on fire.


is that a turtle head on fire???


weel yea a couple kids got in trouble for stuff like this so i aint taken no chances, but who am i kidding.