Chain-Gun Fun

Thumbnail of the map 'Chain-Gun Fun'

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Author ItsFreakinSteve
Tags action author:itsfreakinsteve playable unrated
Created 2006-04-25
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description REPOST: Because last one had zero votes.

This is just basically your standard wall jump level, but I think it has a pretty decent flow to it for getting all the gold. Comment, rate, and enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Warzone' Thumbnail of the map 'Boss: Monster' Thumbnail of the map 'EAT ME' Thumbnail of the map 'Fade Away' Thumbnail of the map '...experiment...' Thumbnail of the map 'So Thank You Very Little And Send Me Postcards From Hell'
Warzone Boss: Monster EAT ME Fade Away ...experiment... So Thank You Very Little And Send Me Postcards From Hell


Pages: (0)


Because I feel sorry for this map getting no votes.

Now you have have to rate and comment one of MY maps, ok?