Its Only Hard If You Make It

Thumbnail of the map 'Its Only Hard If You Make It'

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Author slivos
Tags action author:slivos playable rated
Created 2006-04-11
Last Modified 2006-04-24
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Ah seasoned n users rejoice. here is an easy map, but only if you make it easy.there are two paths , the simple one and the hard one.The hard path goes for the all gold approach made difficult by overlaping gauss turrets and unique placement of gold. The easy one is well, easy...
its a great map and i challenge the players of n to get an all gold run.

happy playing!


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still down


are the forums down

anyone? Could someone check, thanks

thx dasati

And i am that noob!


im suprised nobody has rated you down for stealing part of the tileset.. i gave you 5/5 cuz this is amazing for a noob, even if you did flog the tileset lol. nice work


i am humbly eating my words, yum.
i never though enough people would see this but thankyou everyone i knew we could do it


a noob gets top rated lol. nice map anyways


A Great map was fun doing both easy and hard way


this is really fustrating how a half decent map like mine can score a 4 and a 5 and yet not get 5 votes for a public rating. and as it seeps furth and further away from easy view there is less and less chance to make it...
thx to thecalcgenius and pyroman28 anyways.


easy way was around the edges. sorry, u have to do that again lol

I hope I can...


Demo Data


well that is one way to do it good job though

This was

the fastest i could get all the gold great map really hard to get all gold 5/5
Demo Data

lol nice

good job, but can you do the easy path?
jokin lol


It didn't look appealing at first, but then it turned out to be quite fun. 4/5.
Demo Data


ive grown quite attatched to those pushing thuwmps