
Thumbnail of the map 'Sokoban'

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Author Musicwumusic
Tags author:musicwumusic playable puzzle rated v1.3c
Created 2004-11-15
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description If you know the game Sokoban, you'll know what this is. However, until we have reusable doors, this is the best it's going to get.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'I-Beam' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple' Thumbnail of the map 'Death Specificity' Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Chamber' Thumbnail of the map 'Chaingun Chamber' Thumbnail of the map 'Hard Work Pays Off'
I-Beam Simple Death Specificity Electric Chamber Chaingun Chamber Hard Work Pays Off


Pages: (0)

Great idea.

Could have been made better.


fun with trap doors!
Demo Data

Pretty nice

It was pretty kool and it was long but I agree with Euphoria, it needs more puzzles.


Unless there are reusable doors in 1.4, blocks can only be moved ONCE.

Pretty fun

This is my first go... Puzzles were a breeze but the mines psyched me out.
Demo Data

Excellent idea

I love the idea, but as euphoria said, it could do with some more puzzle, less obvious bits. The puzzle near the middle was good, but much of the rest was mediocre.
It's probably just my appalling skill level at N, but I found many of the walls hard to climb due to the curved surfaces, too.
And what was up with the last section? Totally out of character for the rest of the level.

Good map

But it needs more of the puzzle side, not just mindless door openings. Nice idea, I like it.