
Thumbnail of the map '[94]'

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Author Evil_Bob
Tags author:evil_bob playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-04-10
Last Modified 2006-04-10
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description This is a ded for (9_4_0_0_ on numa)for his run on my map hologen:
He was the first one to do it so he gets a ded.
This map is a pretty easy puzzle that I found quite fun. Play, comment, demo, have fun. =p

P.S: Let me know if the chaingun at the end is too much..

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Chain Mail' Thumbnail of the map 'Shadow Fighter' Thumbnail of the map 'Shadow Fighter 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Empty' Thumbnail of the map 'Transporting 101' Thumbnail of the map 'Emptyness in the Head'
Chain Mail Shadow Fighter Shadow Fighter 2 Empty Transporting 101 Emptyness in the Head


Pages: (0)

Nicely done

4.5/5. I thought it was very well made, and I liked the little "puzzles" within it.

A bit of a demo

Mt computer bliped quite badly right as I got to the last part where I fell but this shows the harder parts of the level..
Demo Data