
Thumbnail of the map 'Commandment'

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Author Jiggerjaw
Tags author:jiggerjaw dda rated
Created 2006-04-08
by 45 people.
Map Data

Description *VERY IMPORTANT*
Before playing this map in debug mode, be sure to press '1'. Either do this or just play in userlevels.
Wow, ok, I've lost track, but I most likely spent a minimum of 50 hours on this, the trillion extensions I gave it, the close call manufacturing, tweaking it to perfection with the mines.
At 53.8 seconds, this is my longest DDA to date, and what do I have to show for it? My favorite part of this damn thing is the hanging thing he does after dying (happens 100% of the time).
Joking aside, I am quite proud of this, and I hope you all can appreciate all of the work that went into it, despite the gold delay, and possible lag for slow computers.
Rate, comment, and enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '16' Thumbnail of the map 'Smile upon thy Creation' Thumbnail of the map 'Thunder and Lightning' Thumbnail of the map 'Sustenance' Thumbnail of the map 'The Tree of Knowledge' Thumbnail of the map 'Rebirth'
16 Smile upon thy Creation Thunder and Lightning Sustenance The Tree of Knowledge Rebirth


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The end was amazing.
this is an awesome dda. Apart from the useless mines, this was brilliant.


not gunna be harsh about it, cus i made a map with a bunch of mines in it and some guy rated low just cus of that even though it was filled with close calls



great job 5/5


Honestly, I didn't really enjoy this.
There were too many mines, in places that didn't really make sense, for example in the bottom right corner. We know the ninja's going to go straight down, there's no reason to surround him with mines.
Other than that, it really just wasn't very interesting. 3.5/5 from me.



very enjoyable. however, there are dda's which are faster and have more close calls, and putting mines as you did is imo a poor way of creating excitement.
still very good, though 4/5.


thats really nice. 5/5. usually the whole 'mine path' in dda's is just crap. but this is brilliant.


AWSOME !!!!!!1!11 5aved