Doom Infinity

Thumbnail of the map 'Doom Infinity'

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Author Dash_Merc
Tags author:dash_merc playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-04-04
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description's kind of doomful.

And tricky.

It could classify as action, but it's more puzzle-oriented.

Please comment.

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I see you're new here, and it's great you are starting to make maps. First, please don't hide things under gold, it really doesn't make the gameplay any fun. second, don't use that much gold, even when you do hide things under it. it doesn't look very good, and it lags up the game. Granted, it was a decent map, but kinda easy. If you don't go for gold, the map is VERY easy. Of course, with both those rules, there are exceptions. but don't try to find them yet. This is not a bad 4th map, so i'll give it a 3.5. Keep making maps and it's wonderful to see a new face.