
Thumbnail of the map 'tele-poof'

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Author Junko
Tags author:junko dda rated
Created 2006-03-31
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description this is my teleporting DDA, but it's really kind of a test level.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'In and Out' Thumbnail of the map 'Ow' Thumbnail of the map 'Lopongo' Thumbnail of the map 'Circumference of Golden Lining' Thumbnail of the map 'Pivot'
In and Out Ow Lopongo Circumference of Golden Lining Pivot


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Mr.Gammatt, Iv'e sent you the eMail, so have fun with it, and remember to click out of the text box before loading it.=)

MY email is



and mr_gammatt before he teleports u have to turn off caps lock then cick the mouse to go one frame at a time and place another launch pad were he goes


forgot to tell u 3.5\5 for the tileset. plz see my maps


was bad. i could make that in like 2 min. most peopel hate tele. second to make it better u could have added more enemies to make it better.


OK 5\5


I know there were too many bouncers, but it's my first DDA that I tried to make good, and it's also my very first time using teleporters. I just found out how, so I really wanted to make a teleporting level.
if you would all tell me your eMail addresses I can eMail you an extremely helpful tutorial on making teleporters, getting out of teleporting, etc. It's the one I used to find out how to make teleporters in the first place.

hey can you tell

me the code to make the launch pads turn into teleporters?

i know how to tele

but how do i stop him again?????


Teleporting Launchpads involve editing the code of a Launchpad, when it is usually the last thing placed on a map. Teleporting in a DDA is one thing I really dont like.. and the cornicopus of lauch pads wasn't really great either.
Sorry, 2.5/5

very nice

how did you get it to teleport?