
Thumbnail of the map 'Migration'

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Author Frostinator
Tags action author:frostinator playable unrated
Created 2006-03-30
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Great Britain, in a playable way!

The Idea it to try and migrate to Ireland.

Havnt played the level myself, but from what i see, i think its completeable.

Good luck!

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I've tried the map, within 5 mins i've managed to complete this, the end bit is quite hard. Just perservere.

So please dont comment on a map saying its impossible before giving it a chance.

I've tried to submit demo data, please watch.
Demo Data
Always, always, always playtest. Every single map you make should be thuroughly playtested to make sure every part is possible. This map is impossible. Playtesting would have told you that. In case you don't know how to playtest. All you do is press P and make sure caps lock is on. Please playtest in the future.