The Hobo Sleeps Tonight

Thumbnail of the map 'The Hobo Sleeps Tonight'

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Author Necromancer-11-11-92
Tags author:necromancer-11-11-92 playable race rated
Created 2006-03-29
Last Modified 2006-03-29
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description This is a ecelent level (with some exeptions)...

The flow is unbelivable, the tileset while looking ragged and ufinished complements the title, and an extemly good use of space...

Fastest all gold gets another race level dedicated to him/her (or other)...

PLZ rate-
PLZ comment-
PLZ demo-

And if you play this map you will enjoy it, garanteed!!!
But please rate, comment, and blah,blah,blah...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'X Marks the Spot' Thumbnail of the map 'Transportation' Thumbnail of the map 'Buble Bath' Thumbnail of the map 'Creeping Vines' Thumbnail of the map 'Just a bit Further' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Competition 1'
X Marks the Spot Transportation Buble Bath Creeping Vines Just a bit Further Simple Competition 1


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this plz rate the improved version of this map, since everyone was haveing a bitchfit (apologies to everyone that wasn't) I changed the tileset!


but not for an average player like me though. Unfinished tilesets that look like this just give the map an impression that is was rather carelessly made, although they don't really affect the gameplay.
tilsets are much less important unless a level is built around a tileset....

this one matters not...

@ Necromancer

The tileset is just as important as the gameplay itself. It adds a smoother look to it. It is more apealing to the eye. Would it really have taken more than 5 minutes to just add in a few more tiles?

I played the level.

And I told you what I thought of it. I don't see a single person here who rated it down because of the tileset. All of us just suggested that the tileset be completed next time :p. The tileset didn't affect the level, thus why I didn't change the rating because of it.


looks fine to me...

i hate it when people cover mediocre levels with cool tilesets...people should spend more time on the levels playability...

but i must say...if you smoothed the other sides of the tiles, it would look better...

once again...not that important...
so i rate urs good... 5/5

God #@&$!!!

Would people stop paying attention to the tileset and just play the level!

I mean its like the tileset is more important than the actual level!


its good...

but i didnt slow down or anything...and was killed...

Demo Data


The tileset looks incomplete. I would work on that next time.
I though that it was above average, but not the absolute best. It did have nice flow, but parts of it were not flawless. I rate you a 3.5 out of 5.


Although it "compliments the title", unfinished tiles just give an un-polished impression. I suggest that for your next race you complete them. Just some suggestions.

On second thought,

I really think you could improve on those tiles..It's just an extra element in a loopy map that keeps it polished. I think it is atm quite ugly, and I don't get how it would complement the title (which doesn't really matter much for a race map anyway)


Much too generic and repetitive. It's just blah.


Haha!! I played this map just before you asked me to review it. Its really nice. I kept dying near the end, though, so I have no demo to post. But that flow was unbelievable. Very nice usage of doors, too.



sorry, I kinda skimmed over the description there. :D I didn't take off for that though.

I'm sorry.

That sounded a bit harsh. I just don't think that this deserves a five. And I'm surely not the one who gave it a zero. I gave ita four.

Not even close

Not even close to the BEST race map ever. but it was fun.



Yes, that's right. Bah. It wasn't that superb, IMO. People are throwing fives everywhere without consideration that this was generic and repetitive. Oh, and the unfinished tiles really annoyed me. The flow was excellent, but it didn't make up totally for genericness or repetition. I enjoyed it, but to a degree. With maps like "The Crazy Miner" out there, I wouldn't consider this one of the greats. 4/5.


Ill map...faved and 5/5


I didn't think it was that great. Though it was above average, we've all seen these loopy races before. It flowed pretty nicely, but it was just too easy and a bit repetitive. And please, if you're going to say that this is one of the best race levels ever, at least finish your tiles :P

Still, good job. Had some fun. 4/5

Awesome map


you are correct

this is a very good race map. I'm in a good mood today, so i gave you a 5/5 :)