
Thumbnail of the map 'double-dare'

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Author inakto
Tags author:inakto dda rated
Created 2006-03-29
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description this map takes long, probally loner than anny DDA that you've ever seen!!
please submit comments and suggestions.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'entering the mine field'
entering the mine field


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pretty good

i know people are winging and bitching about gold delay, but if u look at this map, and compare it to a lot of other ones its actually pretty good. nice one


Creativity anyone? Seriously, you had no enemies, too much gold delay, and the most unorigional form of propuslion ever: Launch pads! I sigh in your general direction.
this was it:

my main hatred with this map is the gold delay. most of it's not been timed, it's been slapped on. some isnt even collected. edit this for a much better map. 3/5

Its all right

Litle boring, but still impressive as far as i'm concerned, as far as suggestions go add enemies, alternate forms of propulsion, less gold delay, and try no t to repeat the same part over again just because you wanted to add gold delay one switch or jumppad (like you did on the left).


bad timing, man... you released after 2 amazing DDA's. long, but not the longest,way too much gold-delay and no action. better luck next time.