Dog Fight

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Author ItsFreakinSteve
Tags action author:itsfreakinsteve playable rated
Created 2006-03-26
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description N, on his death bed, at an astounding 90 YEARS old tells his great-great-great-great-great grandson how he lived to be the oldest Ninja ever.

"I had been planning this heist for about all my life, I found out that the Drone National Bank was planning on moving all of their assets to a more secure location, this would be my only chance of being damn near immortal. I invested just about all the gold that I have ever made into buying a plane that would be able to get me to the helicopter that was transporting the gold undetected, and then, before I knew it, it was time for all of my hard work to pay off. I flew my jet over the Nopean Mountains, that is where they were exactly, I flew my jet right between the two helicopters with my stealth on, the one carrying all the gold was below me, in a small canyon, and the massive gunship above me must have been watching for any unwanted guests, little did they know I was directly under them, I would have to take out that gunship first before I could go for my prize. It was time, now or never I thought to myself, and I launched my missiles which blew open the cargo hold on the gunship, tons of crates carrying some small chump change flew out of it, that must have been the decoy, but before I knew it my computers were buzzing, I was being locked onto, ‘IMPOSSIBLE!’ I thought, little did I know that the helicopters we’re being watched by an eye in the sky, I had no choice, I had to eject from my plane, but there was no way some satellite, and a few heavily armored pilots were going to stop me from achieving my life long ambition. I was getting that gold dammit. I hit the eject button, and that is where the true action begins…”

“What happened grandpa?!?!?”

“Shh! I’m getting there! Young people, so impatient these days… anyway, where was I, oh yes, I ejected from my jet and immediately I knew what I had to do. The gunship fired a heat seeking missile at me, that would be his last… I just narrowly avoided the propeller blades on the gunship, and I crashed into the cockpit windows with enough force to shatter them, I guess I got lucky because one of those idiots must have smashed their head into the controls which re-opened the cargo doors. then I jumped off before those pilots could even get a shot off with their AK-47s. I landed back onto my own ship, the missile was closing in, the gun underneath the gunship was trying to get a lock-on to me, and that damn satellite was done charging from his last shot again, I did the only thing that I could think of, I leaped from my plane onto the cargo boxes that were still falling out from the cargo bay, and used them to launch myself up into the gunship’s cargo bay. I slammed into the switch to close the cargo bay doors again, ‘No missile will be getting in through there.’ I thought to myself. I saw another switch, which was labeled ‘emergency exit’ if this wasn’t an emergency, I don’t know what would be, I hit it… ‘You gotta be kidding me’ I thought. ‘You expect me to fit through THERE?! I guess this ship wasn’t made with Ninjas in mind.’ It was a tight fit, and I just barely missed the propeller blades when I came out the other side, I was trapped… or so it seemed, I saw a glistening piece of gold on the propeller blades spinning wildly above me, I worked up all my courage and jumped for it, I grabbed the gold off of that propeller blade, and didn’t get a single scratch on me, as a little bonus, the satellite must have lost track of me after I jumped through the blades, now it was just me and the co-pilot, I dodged each and every one of his shots while I was making my way toward the helicopter which held my entire future in it. I leaped onboard the helicopter and made off with more gold then I could possibly imagine.”

”Wooooow! Is that all true grandpa?!”

”Yes it is my dear grand-child… look, I don’t have much more time left, here is a letter explaining when the Drone National Bank will be moving their next shipment… *cough* *cough* use it wisely my…………………..m----”

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Awesome map! 5aved! Just a plain awesome map and the description was great too.

the win is in

here you go bitches, one more win
Demo Data

Complete demo...

I want to see an all gold demo dammit!
Demo Data

awsome level dude

dude this level is sweet the demo thing isn't working but i did beat it, a job well done


its good, but i still hate snipers and mines.

It's possible...

For all you nay-sayers out there...

Not a complete demo, I just wanted to show you that you can go through and get the door switch without dying.
Demo Data


give it a 3/5 for pretty nice tileset and story and difficulty.


dont jump to conclusions, i havent even test played it yet


i wasnt the person who voted either...


never said it was a bad story, i just said that he has a lot of time on his hands, which is true.
after getting the door switch, its impossible to not hit the mine...i could be wrong...but i dont think so...

an impossible map never gets a good rating...its impossible to rate well


Well then I appoligize to you, but it as rated 1/5 after the first vote.


except for that little part about how i havent voted yet.... but ok, whatever floats your boat i guess....
maybe he cant read....but great story!!
Just becuase I typed a little story for it? You decide to vote it a 1/5? Next time, just don't vote please.


about this

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time


and you playa1, have way to many "A"'s in your message


my pathetic little friend, have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much time on your hands.