
Thumbnail of the map 'Bacteria'

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Author Tombo123
Tags author:tombo123 n-art rated
Created 2006-03-24
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description My first N-Art. Took about 5 minutes to load data. Please rate and comment.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Irritating Little Spark' Thumbnail of the map '-Sarcastically- I Wonder How...' Thumbnail of the map 'The Spring of Faith' Thumbnail of the map 'Symmetrical Rooms' Thumbnail of the map 'Clay PigeoN' Thumbnail of the map 'Nfluenced'
Irritating Little Spark -Sarcastically- I Wonder How... The Spring of Faith Symmetrical Rooms Clay PigeoN Nfluenced


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i hope it turns out has potential to be really great...but it may be rather difficult...good luck

I see your point..

But it all looks too much for me..
Actually no, I'm giving it a go. Will take me some time, but I'll probably do it in stages to show you how it's developing. Cheers nemetacyst for the suggestion - I have a better understanding of what you were really talking about! haha


and for it to actually have legs...its much much bigger than any bacteria...obviously...but its still extremely small...

just makings ure nobody gets the wrong ideas...
its a microscopic, 8 legged creature...

see how you can see inside of it???
granted it will take lots of effort to make it recognizable while still seeing whats inside it...most complex shading and fading techniques...not too bad...



thats NOT what i ment at all!!!!

another art like this is far too simplistic!!!

once is enough, we get the idea, now elaborate...

what i said was...make a CLOSE UP image on one protazoan or bacteria ...cuz when you look up close, say...about half the size of the can see everything INSIDE it....
and that would be just cool...


I'm close to submitting another one of these, but with the idea of looking through the microscope. Rate and coment please I'm not too sure about it.

Maybe also have a look at my other ones most haven't been rated yet Thanks guys for your feedback it's helped greatly!


of corce you should


I did think of the idea of making it look like looking through a microscope.

Should I made an alternative 'Bacteria' N-Art but with that idea?

oh, suggestion

if you want to continue with the theme...make a promecium or something, through the lense of a microscope, ya know how you can see everything inside it??? that would be cool...


well it is original...
but sadly, not really in a good way...
its just massed turrets that make squigly lines...
kinda cool to look at for a moment...but extremely unamazing...
it just takes too little skill to place turrets like that for me to rate it well...but since its your first, i wont rate least not now...

it can stay on the top page for more people to see, i hated when people kicked my earlier arts off too quick for lots of ppl to see, so i wont do it to you...


cool. 4.5