Inappropriate DDA

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Author Joe_payne
Tags author:joe_payne dda rated
Created 2006-03-23
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description My first DDA so dont be too harsh, yeh ano i didnt follow the main characteristics of most DDA's like with the rocket followin N and theres probably too many launch pads but am not that good yet =P

Tell me what you think and how to improve it. much appreciated.

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Nice dude, nice work, little crazy with the jump pads, and the extra stuff you dont really need but a good level all the same, keep it up dude.


that link to my dda was actually

By the way

The DDA involving a chasing rocket to the end is called a KRADDA*. It is very different from a normal DDA, as it is sort of in its own category. There is nothing wrong with doing a normal DDA. If you want to do a KRADDA though, make sure the rocket does not die half way unless it is a bit like my KRADDA called 'Please dont kill him, Mr Missiles!' at ""
involving 3 different KRADDAs. Also Remember it takes a lot of skill to do a KRADAA.

*KRADDA stands for Keep Rocket Alive Dont Do Anything level.


Next time you might want to revise on less bouncers, and think of something in the space where the drones are. In any DDA, if there's no use for something, don't put it in. Youve ot the main purpose idea of a DDA, well done. Why not take a look at a few ofmy own DDAs for a bit of inspiration?

good tileset

it looks like some factory from a distance

It's good but...

...preventably laggy. Just take out the excess launchpads and you should be fine. I like the extra drones, even though they don't effect n. 3.5/5
and those drones lag it up a bit

nice effort

not bad for a first dda. i know that i couldnt do any better (but that comes from a timing-pattern small level specialist). it'll only get better as u do more levels. u r right about too many launchpads tho. good job