
Thumbnail of the map 'Pi2Pi'

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Author zt3
Tags author:zt3 rated test
Created 2006-03-23
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description This is my first map. I edited it pretty often, because at first i was unable to save it properly. The category might be wrong, but i could not think of any better.
Please tell me what you think.
I know - it is easy. I know - there are no enemies. But it may be hard to finish without a single mistake.


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to see it here ;). keep up the good work.

Alrighty then!

Thank you for the feedback. If you have the time, please post a record - i would like to see how more advanced players play the map.
About the unnecassry doors: yes, some of them - because the shiny stuff would be enough reason to go there? Hehe.

No Traps!

Yay! 3/5 for you! Not bad.

Not bad.

It's simple and easy, but good for a first. I didn't find it too tedious, though some of the doors were unnecessary.

Overall, pretty good for a first. 3.5/5
I tihnk he should cut osme slack,he must be very blunt,for a first map it was pretty good.Not much of a challeing.


Well, it was less fun than it was annoying. Hard to move around, but not in the challenging way.

The doors you placed were pointless. The key is to make the doors part of the puzzle, not just something to take up space. But, ok for a first.
