
Thumbnail of the map 'bounceback_dtm'

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Author guiswim7391
Tags author:guiswim7391 dda rated
Created 2006-03-22
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description my pathetic first attempt at a DDA, also my first almost decent map as well.


Pages: (0)


for the double post


for the double post

Oh yes

I forgot to say: "Some decent close calls there aswell!"


Nice DDA! I do agree on some other people though, it does need a lot more enemies. Maybe put a whole lot of Laser Drones in. Want to look at a few of my DDAs aswell?

It is slow ...

And a little boring ... 3/5

i liked it

all it needed was a few more enemies and it would have got a 4.5/5 maybe even a 5/5! il give it 4/5! keep up the good work.
for some ideas check out the DDA's iv made. also check and rate my mission N-possible part 1 and 2! thanx!


its better then my first

but less gold delay and different propulsion types + some enemies would be nice


Sweet Map

Hey this is a pretty cool map. It's a hundred times better then my first DDA. =)

Sweet Map

Hey this is a pretty cool map. It's a hundred times better then my first DDA. =)