These walls are not so fluffy.

Thumbnail of the map 'These walls are not so fluffy.'

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Author theninjagame
Tags author:theninjagame incomplete rated
Created 2006-03-19
Last Modified 2006-03-22
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description I'm very sure that that death is not unachievable. Well, you can use it. I might, but probably not.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Currents' Thumbnail of the map 'Saucony' Thumbnail of the map 'Miniature "The Temple"' Thumbnail of the map 'The Problem with Croquet' Thumbnail of the map 'He Wouldn't Hurt a Fly.' Thumbnail of the map 'Funko-Disco Fusion'
Currents Saucony Miniature "The Temple" The Problem with Croquet He Wouldn't Hurt a Fly. Funko-Disco Fusion


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No one said you couldn't die. No of course not. *turns back and runs off*


I didn't fall to my death.
Demo Data

And another...

heh... You need to fix some things I guess...
Demo Data


You can't die? I am not so sure you are right...
Demo Data


not a single place I can find for death. And the stylishness and originality and the un-death-ness gives it a 5/5.


I could just smooth this one out a little more...

*goes right to it*

My first thought

was that you couldn't die. But the middle shaft is a dungeon of death. Could you construct a tileset in which death isn't possible?