Walk through walls

Thumbnail of the map 'Walk through walls'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Tags author:marijnenandries rated test
Created 2006-03-19
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description This is weird!!!

Load a map, doesn't matter what one.
Than delete the map data, and load the following data:


Walk through walls!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bumps on the road' Thumbnail of the map 'Action packed' Thumbnail of the map 'Laser grid' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm going in circles' Thumbnail of the map 'Spikes' Thumbnail of the map 'Chaingun grid'
Bumps on the road Action packed Laser grid I'm going in circles Spikes Chaingun grid


Pages: (0)

Demo Data

wIERD. o.O

IT be a lot funner if you could only certain tiles solid and the rest walk-through-able.

holy crap

well i tried it three times and got different effects each time
1. became invisible and walked through walls
2. ended up on top of map and slid side to side
3. finally got it to work right

oh, and i think

it would make a much better map if you put a door where you start and then put the switch at the other side of the map.
i've done this accedentally before. it's just a glitch. nr

Intresting, but...

It's kind of pointless.


it wud be better if u could make it that u can only go through floors cos that way i reckon u could get a beast jumper goin'

ive seen it before

but the tileset kicks ass lol

i`ve found easier way!)))))
1. load any map
2. delte the map data.
3. press "L" to load the map without any data
4. go in edit mode and place N where you want.
5. play


cool, and u can put in different tile data so some of them u can walk through and some u cant
that would be a crazy type of map

great finding!!

thanks! i was really interested and excited :))